Monthly Archives: July 2021

Episode 30. An innovative nonprofit highlights the need for intergenerational interactions: Seniors4Seniors

Episode 30. Seniors 4 Seniors July 29, 2021
Guests: Eric Ross Peterson and Dr. Jason Powell

Eric Ross Peterson is the CEO and founder of Seniors4Seniors, a nonprofit non-profit organization based in Colorado that connects high school and senior citizens with the goal of helping each party learn from and mentor each other.

His biography says, “As a caregiver in a senior community, I was made aware of the challenges which the senior residents I cared for were facing daily. In doing so I also became aware that our youth, especially those in their high school years, were also having these same challenges which are isolation, loneliness, and depression. I decided to [act], which brought me to the development of Seniors4Seniors, a program which brings together the older adults and youth in our communities, enabling enriching, real human connections. This program establishes connections between these individuals with shared interests, with a focus on career aspirations of the youth that correspond to career backgrounds of the older adults. This is a unique approach has truly enabled relationships that are truly touching the human heart and mind.

(855) 945-0747

Professor Jason Powell, PhD, FCMI, AoU is the provost of the Manchester Institute of Learning and Excellence. He has held leadership positions and served as a visiting professor at universities internationally, including Harvard Medical School.

He is the author of 79 academic books and more than 500 refereed journals articles about aging, health, and social care in health care settings. He has served as editor for numerous publications and served on the editorial boards of more than 100. His research credentials are impeccable. In addition to holding numerous earned and honorary titles, he also is a Honorary Distinguished Fellow for Seniors4Seniors.
Twitter: @DrJayPow

Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest!
Back to school is a few weeks away, why not help get your grandkids used to writing the dreaded essay by having them enter the Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest?

We all know grandparents rock … we need to know why your grandchildren think YOU rock! Have them tell us in a short essay – no more than 250 words – completing this thought: My Grand is grand because ….
Children ages 5 to 16 must submit their essays by 11:59 p.m. Friday, August 6.

They can win prizes, read their essays in a free downloadable PDF and listen to the winning essays on a bonus episode of the Adventures with Grammy Podcast Sept. 12, 2021, which is Grandparents Day!

To learn more, visit
Please note: All children are eligible to win prizes, including those whose parents and grandparents have been guests on the podcast!


To learn more about the Adventures with Grammy podcast, or to be a guest, visit

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

To learn more about the books, visit

To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit



Twitter: @grammyadventure


Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!

Episode 29. Nana Jill shares tips for hosting a successful Cousins Camp and strategies for talking with teen and tween grandchildren

My guest this week is Jill Bowler, also known as Nana Jill. She has a blog and a newsletter titled Adventures in NanaLand brimming with all things necessary to help grandparents be the best grandparents they can be.

Before we listen to my conversation with Nana Jill, I want to remind you that the Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest will launch Friday, July 23, which is Gorgeous Grandma Day. The essay contest is a way for children ages 5 to 16 to honor their grands in 250 words or less by completing the statement: “My Grand___________ is grand because_______________________.”

To learn more, visit


Adventures in NanaLand

Home-Adventures in NanaLand 2023

Grand Adventure Store Main
Twitter: @nanaadventures


To learn more about the Adventures with Grammy podcast, or to be a guest, visit

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

To learn more about the books, visit

To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit



Twitter: @grammyadventure


Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!

Episode 28: Two little girls, one with autism, one a neurotypical child, form a long-lasting friendship and enjoy a day at the zoo

Episode 28
July 15, 2021

Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest
Gorgeous Grandma Day – Grandparents Day
2021 Adventures with Gammy Essay Contest

Contest Overview
Contest Rules
Contest Prizes
Contest Sponsors (A HUGE THANK YOU!!!)
Contest Entry Form

Emma and Harper enjoy a day at the zoo

According to, “Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States today.

“We know that there is not one autism but many subtypes, most influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. The ways in which people with autism learn, think, and problem-solve can range from highly skilled to severely challenged. Some people with ASD may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently.”

Our guest, Lisa Jacovsky, is a PhD candidate who specializes in autism. She has written Let’s talk! A story of Autism and Friendship. Her new book is Let’s Talk: Going to the Zoo. The books look at the friendship of two little girls, Emma and Harper. To learn more about the book and to follow Lisa, visit
Tweets by Lisachildbooks

Lisa was a guest on Episode 6:

Elong Musk and Dan Aykroyd have autism

Amy Bockerstette has earned her nickname Amazing Amy. She is the first person with Down syndrome to compete in a national collegiate athletic championship.


Two of my grandsons talk about the fun they have while enjoying multi-generational vacations.


To learn more about the Adventures with Grammy podcast, or to be a guest, visit

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

To learn more about the books, visit

To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit




Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!

Episode 27. Rozanne Travels to Africa to Kiss a Giraffe

Episode 27
July 8, 2021

Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest
Gorgeous Grandma Day – Grandparents Day
2021 Adventures with Gammy Essay Contest

Contest Overview
Contest Rules
Contest Prizes
Contest Sponsors (A HUGE THANK YOU!!!)
Contest Entry Form

Rozanne Weisman is a renowned Washington, DC-based marketing communications executive who has won more than 60 national and international awards for her work with diverse client’s, including public broadcasting, the Alliance to Save Energy, and Discovery, Inc. Animal Channel and its first feature film, The Leopard Son.

She’s a regular guest lecturer for both undergraduate and graduate students at American University School of Communications and School of Public Affairs and she’s a volunteer at Jumpstart Jubilee, a bilingual infant-pre-K school in Washington, D.C.

As a child, Rozanne dreamed of going on safari. As an adult, she accomplished her goal with three wildlife journeys: the first through the rain forests of Borneo, Indonesia, where she watched orangutans, then throughout five southern African countries where prides of lions have walked directly in front of her, and she photographed penguins, orphaned elephants, giraffes, and FIVE elusive leopards, including two cubs up a tree.

Giraffe Manor, a luxurious bucket-list rescue for endangered Rothschild giraffes, and the neighboring nonprofit Giraffe Centre in Kenya

Giraffe Manor, Hotel Nairobi


Website with leopard print:


Twitter & Instagram:

YouTube wildlife videos re book:

To learn more about the Adventures with Grammy podcast, or to be a guest, visit

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

To learn more about the books, visit

To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit




Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!

Episode 26. Strokes: learn how to minimize your risks and become your own healthcare advocate

Episode 26
July 1, 2021

Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest

Contest Overview
Contest Rules
Contest Prizes
Contest Sponsors (A HUGE THANK YOU!!!)
Contest Entry Form

Marcia Moran was a healthy, athletic, and successful entrepreneur who never considered one day she might suffer from a stroke. But she did 7 years ago, and it was devastating. Although she is at almost full recovery, Marcia is not satisfied and continues to work toward a 100 percent recovery.

She has written about her journey back to physical fitness in her book Stroke Forward: How to Become Your Own Healthcare Advocate … One Step at a Time.

It is a beautifully written tribute to her determination and grit, her husband’s abundant love for her, and a message of hope for the rest of us.

Listen as Marcia shares her inspirational story of how she relearned to walk and talk and what she is doing to help others impacted by strokes.

• Website
• Social Media
• Facebook
• LinkedIn
• Twitter

From Marcia:

When you buy the book Stroke FORWARD: How to Become Your Own Healthcare Advocate . . .One Step at a Time, you deserve a special bonus give to accompany the book. So I’ve created a special Stroke FORWARD Toolkit for you.

The toolkit contains:

• A list of my Top 12 Tips for Recovery that you may want to print out and save for yourself. You may also want to give the Top 12 Tips for Recovery to your friends and family. People need to understand where you are coming from now.

• Resources. I had a hard time finding resources. They were available; figuring out how to use the keyboard was almost beyond me. Here are a few gems that you and your caregiver may find interesting.

• Videos done with my physical therapist showing right-side and left side movement. Getting better requires a lot of small muscle movements. These videos show how we did it.
