Monthly Archives: October 2021

Episode 43. Heart Surgeon Shows People How to Stay Off His Operating Table

Stay Off My Operating Table will be available in print, e-book and audio formats November 11, 2021, from most booksellers.


Dr. Ovadia’s newsletter signup and metabolic health quiz:


How to judge your metabolic health:

Women Men
Waist (less than) 35 inches 40 inches
BP systolic/diastolic 130/85 130/85
Fasting glucose level Less than 100 Less than 100
Cholesterol HDL More than 50 More than 40
Triglycerides Less than 150 Less than 150


triglycerides divided by HDL equals insulin resistance



Gary Taubes



I am thrilled to welcome Dr. Philip Ovadia, a heart surgeon who has lost more than 100 pounds and has kept those pounds off for many years. He has written a fascinating book: STAY OFF MY OPERATING TABLE: A HEART SURGEON’S METABOLIC HEALTH GUIDE TO LOSE WEIGHT, PREVENT DISEASE, AND FEEL YOUR BEST EVERY DAY.

As with many Americans, I need to lose weight. I look at pictures from 10 years ago and wonder how did these pounds creep up on me? I find it harder and harder to lose weight. I used to be able to walk a little faster, exercise a bit longer or lay off the ice cream for a few weeks and the pounds would come off. That’s not working for me now.

After reading an advance copy of his book and interviewing Dr. Ovadia, I know metabolic health is more important than the number on the scale. Dr. Ovadia gives us five measures to determine our metabolic health, and I am pleased only one of my numbers is off, but there’s a thin Carolyn inside me and I want her back.

If any of you are interested in joining me on a weight loss challenge, please send me an e-mail and let’s do this together!


Adventures with Grammy Newsletter

To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

Adventures with Grammy Podcast

Do you want to be a guest or know someone who would be an awesome guest? Let us know!

Personalized Teddy Bears

To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit

Adventures with Grammy Network

Adventures with Grammy has partnered with creatives around the world to introduce you to amazing children’s literature, activities, and adventures. I am thrilled to introduce you to people who are as passionate about their children and grandchildren as I am about mine. I met most of these lovely people through hosting my podcast; others I know from other associations. The bottom line is each of these connections offers something of value to families, so head to the Adventures with Grammy Network and explore!

Social Media

Tweets by GrammyAdventure



Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!




Episode 42. Rekindle the magic in your life with the Five Keys of Greatness!

If you ever have found yourself in a dark place devoid of joy and happiness or are unsure of your next step, the award-winning debut novel The Little Book of Greatness by today’s guest, Ari Gunzburg, will resonate with you. It’s the story of David as he sits atop a cliff wondering why his life should go on.

Many have compared The Little Book of Greatness to The Alchemist, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, and The Secret. Unlike those books, Gunzburg says the framework of his book and the five keys of greatness also will resonate with teens who often feel overwhelmed, alone, and unable to handle the pressures they face.

If you, your children, or your grandchildren need to regain confidence, rekindle the magic in your lives, or rediscover a purpose for your lives, join David on his journey as he interacts with five people who help him discover a more fulfilling life.

About Ari Gunzburg

Drawing on many life experiences from his “PhD” in the school of hard knocks, Ari now dedicates his life to helping others using motivational speaking, keynotes, podcasts, youth presentations and more to help share the lessons he has learned and build lives of meaning.

Web Site:

The Little Book Of Greatness

Updates Coming

Social Media:

Adventures with Grammy Newsletter
To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

Adventures with Grammy Podcast
Do you want to be a guest or know someone who would be an awesome guest? Let us know!

Personalized Teddy Bears
To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit

Adventures with Grammy Network

Adventures with Grammy has partnered with creatives around the world to introduce you to amazing children’s literature, activities, and adventures. I am thrilled to introduce you to people who are as passionate about their children and grandchildren as I am about mine. I met most of these lovely people through hosting my podcast; others I know from other associations. The bottom line is each of these connections offers something of value to families, so head to the Adventures with Grammy Network and explore!

Social Media


Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!


Episode 41. Zen Pig teaches mindfulness

Episode 41 Zen Pig with children’s author Mark Brown

Please join me in welcoming to the podcast Mark Brown, the author of a series of books that feature Zen Pig as the main character.

Zen Pig teaches young readers the importance of gratitude, justice, empathy, compassion, and other soft skills that are important for people of all ages to embrace. Mark initially wrote the first book for his son, Noble. He wanted to ensure his son learned gratitude at an early age – not later in life as he had – and Noble’s behavior and curiosity have inspired the remaining titles.

Admittedly, mindfulness skills often prove challenging for adults to learn, but Mark says Zen Pig demonstrates mindfulness in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner.

Mark Brown’s vision is for families to enjoy the books and for teachers and school systems to incorporate mindfulness activities into classroom settings on an ongoing basis. To make doing so easy for teachers, Mark and his team have created free lessons plans teachers can download.


Adventures with Grammy Newsletter
To sign up, visit

You will receive a micro-book that provides directions for a super fun activity to do with your children and grandchildren!

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter, which is for grandparents who want to make a positive difference in their grandchildren’s lives, and for parents who want to ensure that special grandparent bond between their parents and their children. Articles will give you exclusive content I will not share on social media and a heads-up about events, products, and books I think you will find interesting.

Adventures with Grammy Podcast
Do you want to be a guest or know someone who would be an awesome guest? Let us know!

Personalized Teddy Bears
To buy the personalized stuffed bears, visit

Adventures with Grammy Network
Adventures with Grammy has partnered with creatives around the world to introduce you to amazing children’s literature, activities, and adventures. I am thrilled to introduce you to people who are as passionate about their children and grandchildren as I am about mine. I met most of these lovely people through hosting my podcast; others I know from other associations. The bottom line is each of these connections offers something of value to families, so head to the Adventures with Grammy Network and explore!

Social Media

Tweets by GrammyAdventure


Let me know your thoughts about the podcast: send a Tweet to @grammyadventure or an e-mail to!


Episode 40. Celebrating Grandparents with author Ann Richardson

Ann Richardson is a grandmother of two boys, the mother of a son and a daughter, and the author of Celebrating Grandmothers: Grandmothers talk about their lives.

This heartwarming book looks at the excitement and challenges 27 women from various cultures experience in their role as grandmothers. How did becoming grandmothers change the texture of their lives? How do they now view themselves? How did they feel when they held their grandchildren for the first time? The poignant stories will make you smile and tug at your heartstrings.

Although about grandmothers, the book is not exclusively for them. It would make a great gift for a new member of the Grandmothers’ Club and for anyone interested in the importance of nurturing relationships.

CELEBRATING GRANDMOTHERS: Grandmothers talk about their lives
Copyright @2017 Ann Richardson
All rights reserved
Second Edition
Glenmore Press 2017
London, England

ISBN: 978-1549654787
Twitter: @CelebratingGran
FB: @CelebrateGran

Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin
Ashley Montagu, The Late Ashley Montagu
Harper & Row, 1978 – Body language – 384 pages

A groundbreaking achievement when it was first published in 1971, this moving and absorbing examination of the importance of tactile interaction-touching-on all facets of human development is now brought thoroughly up to date in light of research since 1978. Dr. Montagu here devotes special attention to the relation of the skin and touching to mental and physical health; the discovery of the immunological functions of the skin; the importance of touching, especially for older people; a demonstration of the harmfulness of newfangled methods of dealing with the newborn; gender differences; new experimental studies on the deprivation effect; the relation between touching and imaging; and the uses of touching in psychotherapeutic situations.